I spent much of the night losing at Wii Bowling, Wii Tennis and Wii Darts. I was getting a Wii bit frustrated after a while, but it was all fun.
At midnight we watched what's left of Dick Clark dropping the ball at Times Square, and then we all participated in a rather bizarre ritual. I can only assume this is a Canadian tradition, which is why I fully agreed to participate in it.
I enjoy learning about the intricacies of other people's cultures, so I obliged when it was my turn to have my traditional New Year's Unibrow and Long Sideburns installed via an ancient ritual consisting of Hubert rubbing black goo on my face.
I'm including a bad cell phone picture of another of the participants, who probably had the evening's most impressive unibrow. I am guessing that the more impressive your Canadian unibrow is on New Year's, the better your luck will be throughout the year. I'll have to see if Hubert can clarify the origins of the tradition for me, but that sounds perfectly reasonable.
Several people have asked me about my New Year's Resolution, and much like last year, once again I can simply find no room for improvement in myself.
You need work on your unibrow.
Canadians completely understand that a strong unibrow indicates high levels of testosterone, and many men at local Canadian curling rinks can be found many weeks later (often as late as Seal Peltfest, but that is another story all together) with New Years unibrows still fully intact. This not only indicates high testosterone, but a low personal hygiene index as well. And if you've ever been to Transcona during Seal Peltfest, nothing will get you a shiny Sealcoat on your pelt than a really ancient unibrow.
If anyone needs me, I'll be Googling "Seal Peltfest."
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