Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Holiday Visit to Hell

While on vacation last week, I thought it might be fun to spend some time in Hell. We survived the maddening pace of driving on I-95 in Southern Florida earlier in the week, so how bad could Hell possibly be?

You see, at Grand Cayman there is an actual town named Hell. There is a weird area of rock formations at this area, apparently resembling what Hell might look like. I thought it would be interesting to show up in a hand basket so I could say I "went to Hell in a hand basket," but instead I rented a scooter.

Aside from the rock formations, Hell wasn't much at all what I thought it would look like. Turns out there are a few gift shops there, full of rather cheesy merchandise. There's also the Post Office from Hell, and many free range roosters. There's even a very realistic depiction of Satan himself, if Satan himself is actually made of poor quality wood. At least I know what's in store for me if I don't lead a good and decent life!

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