Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Parking Lot Nazi

Wouldn't it be fun to be a parking lot police officer for a few days? I don't mean that it would necessarily be fun to cite people who are breaking regular driving laws, like those who are running stop signs and so forth. I'm talking about arresting people for being rude idiots.

I encounter these people all the time, and I would need many reams of paper to fulfill my citation needs if I were so empowered. What drives me bonkers is these people who just have to have the best parking spot in the lot, no matter what. Just park your stinkin' car!

I was recently driving through a lot at a nearby grocery store, and as I turned in to a row of parked cars, the driver in front of me stopped his vehicle to wait for a parking space to open up in front of him. An elderly man had just started unloading numerous shopping bags into the back of his car, and this guy in front of me was going to wait literally several minutes until he finished and moved his car. I should mention that there were several open parking spots literally three spots further away.

Once it became apparent that this guy didn't care that he was clogging up traffic for whatever time it was going to take, I squeezed past him and pulled into one of the open spots. I timed it. It took me 10 steps and less than 10 seconds to walk the extra distance to the open spots. I gave the guy a nasty glare as I walked by, and he returned a similar look at me. I honestly wish we could have exchanged e-mail addresses because it would have been fun to have an ongoing argument over this one. But then again, he's probably still sitting there in the parking lot.

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