Thursday, January 15, 2009

My 100th Blog Post Celebration

Well, here it is. The big milestone has finally arrived: my 100th blog posting is here! I'm not sure if Willard Scott recognizes and congratulates people for 100th blog postings or not, but we'll see.

As I look back on these past few months in the blogosphere, I am reveling in the many accomplishments and accolades that have been piling up here at Smoot Central. For example, readership has been climbing exponentially! Back in September, there was just one regular reader (me), and since that time I have picked up at least one more reader… at least I think someone else is reading this!

Mathematically speaking, that's a 200% increase (or is it a 100% increase? I'm terrible at math) in readership. Show me another well-respected publication that can boast numbers like that.

I are very proud of my attentions to detail when it comes to proper grammer and speling, too.

I am extremely grateful to those of you who have taken the time to comment on various postings. Hoosaid Dat has been very consistently adding comments here and there, even though his name sounds suspiciously like he may be an Al-Qaeda operative. "Anonymous" and a few others have had his/her share of comments, too, and I'm grateful.

I would like to take this opportunity to strongly encourage you, my loyal minions, to keep the comments flowing. Those comments are just the fuel I need as I am devoting 12-15 hours a day in an effort to keep up the high standards I have set for myself (mostly by sleeping for that length of time in hopes of having a dream weird enough to blog about).

I ran into one of my casual readers at the Steelers playoff game last weekend at Heinz Field. She complimented me on my consistent track record of excellence (naturally), but mentioned that she has always been "tempted" to comment, but never does. Hopefully she and others like her will begin commenting on a regular basis. Either that, or I'm going to start signing on anonymously to make glowing comments to myself for fun.


Hoosaid Dat said...

Wow, 100 random blitherings! How much more can you come up with until you get blog burn out and start to write things about toilet paper or Christmas lights? Uhh, oh, ah, wait a minute. . .

Hank W. Smoot said...

I would never let my credibility sink to that level of... oh, wait... yeah. Never mind.

Karma Shuford said...

dang, never thought of anonymously commenting on my own blog!! awesome idea.

Anonymous said...

We knew you had a gift. It's nice that technology gave you a forum to use it.
You better wear your fur-lined ... for the Stillers game.
I prefer to remain Anonymous!