Monday, January 5, 2009

Speaking the Language

Ok, time to go back to boring you with details of our Christmas cruise!

One day early in our trip I learned an important lesson about how to properly speak to foreign people. That lesson is: "know that they're foreign."

I was standing in line for the Flowrider (which is how I spent much of my week, actually), and I was making occasional witty remarks to the man who was standing beside me. After about the 20th witty remark, it occurred to me that this guy never really added a witty remark of his own, or even acknowledged my witty remark other than by making direct eye contact with me while I was talking to him.

It wasn't until the next morning at breakfast that I figured out what was going on. His family was sitting nearby, and they were all blithering away in some foreign language. I don't even know what language it was, but it was one of those languages where they apparently forgot to add vowels, so everything they said sounded like they were choking on something ("Bkrpkck? Yhmnrqph tkchnppch!"). So it turned out that this guy had no idea what the heck I was talking about, and all of my witty comments were completely wasted.

If there's one thing I hate, it's having witty comments being wasted. That's probably why I started this blog in the first place…


Hoosaid Dat said...

вы автоматически открываете первый из найденных результатов.

Hmm my Word Verification for today is "shingox"

Anonymous said...

For another point of view... We sound like we our "mouths full of hot potatoes" to them... I've been told.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Hot Potatoes... that sounds about right, as a German speaker myself.