Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Changing of the Guard

I have finally changed my underwear. I mean, I’ve changed them in the sense of changing styles; I do change into clean individual pairs of underwear on at least a weekly basis.

I actually made this monumental switch about a month ago, but I thought it would be foolish and premature to make an official public announcement on the subject earlier, just in case I didn’t like them and I’d have to resort to sheepishly returning to the old style. But so far I’m liking the new ones.

This is a pretty big lifestyle change, I think. Mrs. Smoot will probably attribute my decision to an impending (or in-progress) mid-life crisis.

The last time I switched styles of underwear was back when I switched from using diapers, to “big boy” underpants. Specifically, I’ve always favored the “briefs” style of underwear. These used to always be white, but in recent years they have bloomed into various colors.

Frankly, I thought it was a big, scary change going from white to colored briefs, but now I have made the switch to “boxer briefs,” which are not only colored, but they’re a whole different shape.

Assuming all goes well, the next time I make an epic change like this will probably be when I revert back to diapers again, which I’m hoping won’t be too soon.


Hank W. Smoot said...

Just be thankful I chose not to add a photo.

Anonymous said...

Forty does strange things to a persons mind! Do they match your hat?