Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Night of the Living Dead Dogs

Far be it from me to make fun of the dead... but here goes. I couldn't help but get a kick out of this obituary in today's edition of the Beaver County Times. Apparently I have reached the age where I start to read obituaries with great concern.

I found it rather curious that the dearly departed was "survived" by his deceased dog. I can only assume that this means his dog has somehow managed to come back to life, presumably to hang out with its pal Bailey.

And if these assumptions are true, I would imagine that it is entirely possible that Ken could also come back to life at any moment, thereby surviving his own death? I'm getting confused just thinking about all of the possibilities.

1 comment:

Hoosaid Dat said...

Hmm, he is being cremated, so he might come back in an ash tray.