Tuesday, February 10, 2009

:Cough: AAAH! :Cough:

Great. I have finally gotten Mrs. Smoot's nasty Cough of Doom that she has been suffering through for the past several months. The symptoms are easy to identify as they all begin with the letter C: Cough, Crankiness, Continue Coughing.

I feel fine otherwise. My nose is clear, my throat doesn't hurt (yet), and my head isn't on the verge of exploding. But the coughing thing is a little ridiculous. I find that I can stop coughing so long as I'm neither inhaling nor exhaling. But as soon as I do one of those two things, I'll need to cough for a while.

I've been experimenting with various remedies, including your basic NyQuil, your basic cough drops, your basic Primatene Mist, etc. I'm thinking of moving along to another well-respected remedy: beer.

And I'm spending a lot more time being cranky. What fun!


Hoosaid Dat said...

Cover your mouth when you couch !

Oh, and turn your head . . .

Hoosaid Dat said...

Umm that should be "cough"