Thursday, September 11, 2008

Smell the Wonderful Smell!

Can you smell it? Inhale deeply....... ahhhhhhh! It's the wonderful smell of nothing!

September 11 has obviously become a day of remembrance, but there is something to celebrate on this particular anniversary of that terrible day. Pennsylvania has finally snuffed out smoking at most public places, and I'm a very happy camper.

I actually get annoyed when I'm following someone who is smoking in their car -- that's how sensitive my nose is to it. It doesn't help that many of our favorite restaurants have "alleged" non-smoking sections that are positioned right beside the smoking areas. We have literally been places where you can be at a non-smoking table, but the table right next to you is permitted to light up.

When seated next to a smoking table, I'm often very tempted to start farting to whatever degree I can safely manage without causing garment damage. I'd just love to have a smoker look over at me and express their annoyance with me, just so I could tell them, "Oh, I'm sorry, this is the Farting Area."

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