Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Numbers Are In!

Well, I've been pretty faithful about going out and taking walks nearly every day for the past couple weeks. Normally I'll do a 2.2 mile walk to the end of our road and back, all in the hopes of becoming a little less rotund for the upcoming thong season. The weather has been cooperative, so I have been doing this walk or other hikes quite religiously.

As my reward, I stepped on the scale this morning to see how I've been doing. And I'm extremely proud to say that I have... gained four pounds?!? What the heck? How could I be the only person in history to begin a regular exercise routine and wind up in worse shape?

I can assure you that when I am taking these walks down our road, the neighborhood isn't setting up two miles of buffet tables that I'm sampling along the way. And I really am walking the entire distance, as opposed to wearing roller skates and having a dog tow me, or some such thing.

I'll admit that we have enjoyed a few tasty feasts on a couple occasions this past week, and the mountain of Girl Scout cookies at Smoot Central has been reduced to a mere hillside, but still... surely these walks should be doing some good, right? I have to wonder what would be happening to me if I hadn't been taking these walks. I doubt I'd even fit through the door any more, I guess.

I think for the next couple days I'll do an experiment. I may just sit in the living room with a giant tub of chips and dip, and watch marathon episodes of The Simpsons. Given my recent experience, I'm guessing I should lose several pounds under this regimen!


Anonymous said...

Perhaps we should start ordering low-fat chicken wings...

Wing-nonymous King

Hank W. Smoot said...

Pffft. Are you nuts!? :)