Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Weechers and Bocks

When Little Smoot was a little girl, around age 3, she came up with this song that she would sing when it was raining.  I have no idea where she got the idea for these lyrics, but her song went like this:

"The rain came down... the Weechers had a Bock!"

The tune was pretty catchy -- and short and to the point -- and we really did enjoy listening to her sing it from time to time, but it left us with just a few burning questions.  For one, who are the Weechers?  And what the hell is a Bock?  And why do the Weechers only have Bocks when it's raining?  Can the sun destroy a Bock?  Do the Weechers enjoy the Bocks, or are they bad things?

It goes without saying that I have spent many sleepless nights worrying about the state of affairs with the Weechers, and whether or not they had enough Bocks.  Could there be a Bock shortage?  I have no idea.

She wouldn't tell us much of anything when we quizzed her about these things.  We'd ask her all the time what these things were, and she'd just giggle and refuse to tell us what it meant.  It's like it was some sort of deep secret, and the magnitude of revealing these things could destroy the common fabric of toddlers everywhere.  It was clearly serious stuff.

So I asked her about this again recently.  I figure now that she's 11, surely we have earned her trust to the point where she could tell us the meaning of this song so we can finally get a solid night of sleep around here.  When I asked her about it, she remembered the song just fine, and sang it just like she did seven or eight years ago.

But she claims she has no recollection whatsoever of what a Weecher or a Bock might be.  And I doubt that she would even know who to ask about such a thing.

So I am reaching out to my vast reading audience (both of you) to see if you could please do a little research amongst your three-year-old friends to see if they could shed some light on this subject.  If they won't talk, I am going to have to condone torture in this particular instance.

1 comment:

tlw said...

Hmmm. Could it be the beginnings of another Harry Potter/ The Hobbit/ Star Wars alternate universe?