Tuesday, January 12, 2010

How Did I Miss This?!

I was greatly disturbed when reading the paper yesterday.  Somehow I wound up missing the "No Pants Subway Ride."

There's a group based in New York City (of course) called "Improv Everywhere" which holds various odd events throughout the year.  This group sponsors a variety of weird events throughout the year, like showing up shirtless at certain stores, performing an impromptu musical in a grocery store, or freezing in place at Grand Central Station.  One of their events encourages people to show up at designated subway stations to take a ride sans pants.

There was an article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that lamented the fact that virtually nobody showed up to participate in the event locally.  Had I only known!  As you're aware if you are an avid reader of the Hank Smoot Files, I am more than happy to toss my pants aside for the amusement of others.  In fact, that's how I spent part of Christmas Day 2008.

I'll have to put it on the calendar for next year.

1 comment:

Hoosaid Dat said...

Let us know when you are going to do it so we can avoid you.