Friday, October 2, 2009

More NyQuil Side Effects

Like I've mentioned before, NyQuil has some unusual side effects. There are, of course, the perceived super-human powers... and the occasional sensation that you're floating, etc. I have found that on nights that I take NyQuil, I also often have some really odd, and very vivid dreams.

It seems that NyQuil-induced dreams come in two flavors for me:

Dream #1: I go back in time, and am working at a radio station again. Don't get me wrong -- I mostly enjoyed working in radio. But the weird hours, miserable pay, giant ego co-workers, lack of job security, etc., are not amongst the things I miss. And my NyQuil-induced dreams always tend to focus on the worst thing of all: dead air.

As a radio DJ, nothing gets you into more trouble than having dead air. Even the least savvy listener knows you're screwing up when there's absolutely nothing coming out of their speakers. And it really honks off the bosses. Nowadays, DJs have it pretty easy because so much stuff is automated by computers. Dead air is pretty hard to come by now.

But back in the day, I used to play actual records (those black, plastic sorts of things that look similar to frisbees). And when the record was over, you had to start another record right away, or listeners would be treated to the "click-click" sound of the record bumping around at the end of the track.

There were times when nature would call, and I'd have to play really long songs to accommodate these occasions, if you know what I mean. There were times when I'd play Stairway to Heaven, which was something like 10 minutes long, and friends who knew me would say, "Ah, Hank must have needed to take a pretty big dump!"

But if I didn't make it back in time, there would be the dreaded dead air. And my NyQuil dreams focus on that feeling of continually running into the control room to find that nothing was on the air, and no matter what button I push, nothing would happen. That stinks.

Dream #2: I'm still in college. Sure, college was a great period of time. But the NyQuil dreams always convince me that it's the end of my last semester, and I look at my schedule only to find that there's a class I forgot to take all year, and I need this class to graduate. And the finals are coming up, and I can't find the room where the test is being administered! Aaaaah! Noooo!

So I guess I should either start taking less NyQuil... or perhaps I could come to the psychological conclusion that I have some sort of unresolved issues I should be addressing.

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