Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Stupid Brain.

So I woke up this morning and looked at the clock.  Yikes!  Ten til, already?  That's terrible news!  Little Smoot should already be at school... we're late!

I hopped out of bed and ran over to wake Little Smoot this morning, while wondering why my alarm failed to go off.  She bounced out of bed like a trooper, and managed to be ready to head out the door within literally three minutes.

I grabbed my keys and started for the door, and I glanced up at the clock again.  And just as I was turning the door knob, it occurred to me:  It's nearly 8:00, not 9:00, you dork.

My wonderful brain has failed me once more.  For whatever reason (NyQuil, probably), my brain decided that we were late for school, and it didn't realize that I was off by an entire hour.  So I apologized to Little Smoot, and we took our good ole time finishing our preparations for school.  I do seriously hope that she ultimately did wear pants this morning.

I can remember one time when I was in high school that my brain tricked me like this before.  My brain got me up literally in the middle of the night and decided it was time for school.  My dad came staggering out to the kitchen to inquire as to why I was eating Raisin Bran at 2:00 a.m.

Stupid brain.  I'm guessing this was my brain's way of playing an April Fools Joke on me... a couple days early.


Hoosaid Dat said...

Just remember that it was last year at Easter when you decided to wear 2 ties to church.

Hank W. Smoot said...

Yeah, I've already been taking extra precautions in hopes of avoiding THAT again this year...

Hoosaid Dat said...

Well? Did you successfully make it with only one tie?

Hank W. Smoot said...

Yes, thankfully I was only wearing one. I did ask Mrs. Smoot to verify it as I was walking to the front of the church.