Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's Up With That?

Little Smoot has now developed some sort of sense of humor, at least in her mind.  That's just what our family needs:  another person who thinks they're funny, but are actually the opposite.  That's my role!

I'm not sure where she picked it up exactly (I'm looking in Sponge Bob's direction, though), but she has decided that you can say pretty much anything, and add a rim shot to the end of it and voilà!... it's funny.

She has also decided that for maximum comedic value, she should also add the phrase "What's up with that?" to everything.

So out of nowhere she'll say something like, "Airplane food.  What's up with that?  (Bah-dum bum... psssh!)."  Or "Salad dressing.  What's up with that?  (Bah-dum bum... psssh!)."  "Car keys?  What's up with that? (Bah-dum bum... psssh!)."

I have to admit that this was funny enough to make me laugh the first 300 times or so, but it might be getting a little stale.  I'm sure that eventually Mrs. Smoot and the cat will gradually go insane, what with two of us making really stupid comedic attempts back and forth.

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