Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Second 21st Birthday

Yep, I have done it again.  For the second time, I turned 21 this past weekend.

My first 21st birthday was pretty uneventful.  Most people mark that particular occasion by filling up on alcoholic beverages to the point where paramedics are often involved.  But for whatever reason, I spent that day hitting a bottle of Mt. Dew.  Yawn.

The second time around, I was able to enjoy a mostly peaceful day with my family.  We headed to our favorite Japanese Steak House, where I ate an obscene amount of food and enjoyed a couple Diet Pepsi drinks.  I spent most of the rest of the day on the couch, groaning, while the Olympics were on in the background.

I don't know about this whole aging thing.  So far I have definitely been able to keep my maturity level firmly on hold.  I'm quite certain that I haven't aged, maturity-wise, since my first 21st birthday.

I was running an errand yesterday morning, and I started thinking ahead to what my third 21st birthday might be like.  I got a little worried about it as I was following a dreaded OMWH (Old Man With Hat) down the highway.  I really, really hope that I don't follow that trend.


Hoosaid Dat said...

By your next 21st birthday you will be wearing a hat, gloves, scarf, earmuffs, boots and an oversized coat. The heater will be on on full blast as you try to peer over the steering wheel while driving to the next Bergie gem.

Hoosaid Dat said...

By the way, I seethat your blog has leapt to a stunning 5 followers.

Hank W. Smoot said...

It IS stunning! And for the record, I already keep the heat on full blast. Even during the summer.