For most of the year, if you were to ask me how many clocks are in our house, I'd probably guess, I dunno, maybe there are five of them. But now I'm finding that we must have hundreds of clocks all over the house, demanding that I set them ahead an hour to comply with Daylight Saving Time.
Just as I was typing the previous paragraph it occurred to me that I have to remember how to set the stinkin' answering machine again. It's always one of the most annoying ones, because it actually talks to me while I'm trying to set it, and I can never remember which buttons to push. I swear that after a while of poking various buttons on it, the electronic voice adopts a more annoyed tone as it squawks at me. Someday it's going to come right out and say, "Yo, moron, learn how to push the right buttons!" in its weird robot voice.
Then there's the microwave, the stove, the clock in the car, various little decorative clocks, and the DVD recorder, which allegedly sets itself but seems to usually display times from other planets on it. And of course there's my prized fake Rolex.
Thankfully Mrs. Smoot gave me a last minute reminder on Saturday night that it was Clock Night... otherwise I would have arrived at church an hour off. Don't ask me if it would have made me an hour early or an hour late; it fries my brain to figure out which hour off I would have been.
I usually get all of the clocks synchronized correctly by, say, October, when it's time to go monkeying with them all over again.
A) It's Daylight Saving Time. "Savings" is something I used to have but don't anymore.
B) If you set your clocks "Back" you are now living in a nether world which is 2 hours earlier than the rest of us.
See... I should have had that extra hour of sleep to do some fact-checking! Consider it edited.
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