Last year in school she was issued one of those annoying little flute things (a "recorder"). I guess they use them in a lot of schools to help inspire kids to take up musical instruments. They also inspire many parents to go insane, since the sound of these things is absolutely screechy and annoying, no matter how talented you might be at playing one.
Toward the end of her 4th grade year, Little Smoot's school held a choral concert which also featured her entire class playing these flutes, almost in unison. I have to admit that the kids did a better job with it than I was envisioning, but it still sounded a lot like what would happen if you were to obtain several dozen cats that were trapped in a giant blender.
Anyway, Little Smoot has kept this instrument since last year, and she has chosen to keep it in the bathroom, next to the toilet. So when she goes to the bathroom, she'll sit there and play the flute at the same time. I find this to be a little disturbing.
Sooner or later I have this terrible feeling that she is going to make an attempt to synchronize the sounds of the flute with whatever other sounds she might be making at the same time, if you know what I mean. And, if she's anything like me, she'll want to record such a thing and make it available for who knows how many other people to hear. I can hardly wait.
Beans, beans, the musical fruit.
The more you eat, the more you toot...
Johann Anonymous Bach
A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tudors to toot. Said the two to their tutor, "Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tuders to toot?"
Maybe you should put her trumpet in the bathroom....
omg.. this is so funny. I hate the sound of those things and i can immagine everytime she goes to the bathroom she likes to play it. actually, its a good thing she has a talent. I guess you can look at it like that. hahah.
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