We don't take Mother's Day and Father's Day tremendously seriously, where we get super mooshy and dramatic about the whole thing. For example, although we greatly appreciate Mom Smoot, we don't even think about going out for a nice meal because we know that we'd wind up being so frustrated by standing in long lines with a bajillion other people that we'd just all wind up being honked off for the whole day.
I must say that Little Smoot and I do always put a lot of thought into the cards that we get for Mom Smoot. A couple years ago I got her one that was in Spanish, for a change of pace. This year, Little Smoot made a hand-crafted card with these very thoughtful sentiments on the inside: "Mom, If you were a booger, I'd pick you first!" I have no idea where she comes up with this stuff.
Well, I guess I could probably guess where she picks these things up, now that I think back to my own Mother's Day gifts from my younger years. In fact, my mom apparently enjoyed a couple of them so much that she decided to re-gift them back to me a few years ago.
I snapped a quick photo of two of those items. (Please try to forget about the fact that I do actually make money as a photographer when you view the crappy quality of the photo above. It was hard to look directly at these items, let alone bother to try to take a nice portrait of them.)
Anyway, you can see that I obviously put a tremendous amount of thought into these two particular gifts. If memory serves me correctly, the large item on the lower right was an ashtray. Granted, my mom was never a smoker, but by having me as a son it wasn't out of the question that she could have picked up the habit at any given moment.
I'm having a hard time remembering exactly what the other item was meant to be. It sort of looks like it could have been a ghost, but it also could have possibly been a little Elvis statuette. Keep in mind that I made both of these things back in 1975, in a day when smoking and Elvis were both much more tolerable.
I wonder if you were maybe subconsciously trying to make the ashtray look like a cancerous tumor?
I LOVE the ashtray... I thought it looked like a mexican meal that was rotting. I couldnt figure it out... And the Elvis thing... I thought it was a gingerbread man that looked like Elvis... LOVE IT!
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