We browsed through the various tables of art, ranging from the classic works of the first graders, all the way up through the avant garde works of the sixth graders.
And then he appeared: Noah. Or, as Little Smoot says, "Ahhhh... Noooooooooah" with an eerie, dreamy tone to her voice. Noah is the boy upon whom Little Smoot has some degree of a crush. Noah also just got contact lenses, so I suppose that'll make him that much more desirable. Thankfully he does seem like a very good kid from a nice family.
Nonetheless, I'm not so sure that my heart is ready for Little Smoot to be expressing an interest in members of the opposite gender. I am personally a member of the opposite gender, and I am well aware of what goes on in our twisted little minds.
We went out to dinner a couple weeks ago, and Little Smoot was showing Mrs. Smoot that she has Noah's cell phone number in her phone. So Mrs. Smoot asked to borrow her phone for a minute, and she pretended to send Noah a text message as Little Smoot watched. Mrs. Smoot typed, "Hi Noah. You're hot," and Little Smoot let out a little scream and grabbed the phone in case Mrs. Smoot had any intention of actually sending the message (she wasn't going to send it).
We got a good laugh out of it, and much to our shock, Little Smoot shrugged her shoulders and said, "Eh, why not," and she hit the Send button. She later backpedaled and told Noah that her mom had jokingly sent the note, but still.
Then I was chatting with Nooooooah's mom at the art show, and Little Smoot came up to me and whispered in my ear while we were talking. She said, "You know, that could be my mother-in-law!" I regained conciousness just a few hours later.
LOVE IT!!! how old is little smoot? you are a pretty cool dad letting your daughter have a cell phone! w00t! to you!!!
She's 10, and she can thank her aunt, a Verizon rep, for the phone :)
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