Friday, February 19, 2010

Losing My Freakin' Mind, Part XVIII

Yes, I can cite numerous instances in my blog that would suggest to any normal person that I am indeed on the brink of insanity, and other blog entries with nearly the same title as this one.  Sure.  But I fear I may definitely be crossing the line into True Insanityland nowadays.

For example, I can never, ever, ever remember whether or not I have turned off my space heater.  I have this fancy "Presto Heatdish" thing I got at Costco several years ago.  It's like a little satellite dish thing that aims wonderfully warm air at me on cold days, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'll often curl up into a ball beside it, much like a cat by a fireplace.

But I simply can never remember whether I have shut the thing off or not.  So when I leave the house during these winter days, I'll hop in the car and drive up the road -- sometimes as far as several miles -- until my mind will latch on to the Heatdish Issue.

I'll try really, really hard to remember whether I turned it off before leaving the house, but I just can't be 100% sure.  So I'll turn around and drive all the way home, even if I have reached another state already, just to check on the stupid thing.  I should note that I have never gotten home to find that I did indeed leave it on.

What's worse is that now, oftentimes when I get home to check on the heater, I'll suddenly get distracted by my computer, which is near the heater.  If I see that I have new e-mail, I'll have to check to see what the message is.

Then I'll head out to the car again and start buzzing down the road, only to realize that I never actually checked to see whether or not the heater was on, what with the important junk e-mail from Nigeria weighing heavily on my mind.  So then I have to make a second trip back home.

Then, finally, I can head off to my destination.  At least until I inevitably start worrying about whether or not I left the burners running on the stove.

So I would have to imagine that I qualify for some sort of insanity defense, should I decide to go berserk at some point.

Oh, and don't even ask me how many times I have needed to go back out to my car after being seated at a restaurant because I can't remember whether or not I have locked the door.


Eric Gaston said...

I can relate. At my last job, I would close up the store and head home, get 5 or 6 miles away and have to turn around to make sure I locked the doors. Not once did I find the doors unlocked, but paranoia's a b*@#h.

Hoosaid Dat said...

Did you remember to close the garage door? Did the toilet stop running before you left home?

Hank W. Smoot said...

Noooooo... don't make me think about those things, too! And I have indeed called my neighbor to make sure I shut the garage door before!