Prior to that, I went to a dance in college dressed as an ATM card since that was something that best represented my life at that time.
This year I was seriously considering dressing up as Balloon Boy. For several nights in a row I would lie awake thinking about how to construct an outfit that would look enough like the balloon that people would know what it was, and they'd feel compelled to give me a cash award for Best Costume Ever.
I did some Googling and found that a pre-packaged Balloon Boy outfit already exists (pictured above). But I had something a bit different in mind. I basically wanted to wear the balloon itself, with me coming up through the middle of it. Or possibly wearing it as a hat.
But after thinking and procrastinating about it quite a bit, I finally decided that it would undoubtedly be another of those projects where I'd start to mess with it, get flustered, and toss the whole thing out unfinished. And I'd probably waste a lot of aluminum foil in the process.
And on top of that, I have a feeling that the balloon would probably make my butt look big.
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