As Exhibit A, I present to you the photo on the right. I discovered this rather unusual item when I went out on our deck earlier this week.
When I saw it, I couldn't help but ask myself the very obvious question: "Why on Earth would bees feel that it is necessary to create a large phallic symbol in the corner of our awning?" Seriously.
I decided I had to photograph this construction before proceeding to thwack at it with a broom handle. A few moments after I removed this suggestive item, one of the bees came flying up that way, looking for its former, swanky home. I tried to interrogate the bee in an attempt to learn more about what, exactly, they were doing out there on our deck, but I got very few answers.
I have to wonder if, late at night, they're showing tiny little bee porn flicks out there. If I start seeing birds out there with the bees, I'm going to really wonder what's going on.
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