I view my blog as a place where I can sit and reflect upon my innermost thoughts and feelings, give them careful consideration, and then share them with whoever may stumble upon them in this wonderful thing we call Cyberspace. That's why today I want to talk about these weird eyebrow hairs that have been bothering me.
I am having weird issues with two of my eyebrows, which represent 100% of the eyebrows attached to my personal head.
On one side, I have this bizarre single eyebrow hair (I call him Harold) that seems to be extraordinarily thick for an eyebrow hair. If I brush over it with my fingers, it feels as though it's about the same thickness as one of my legs. But the weird thing is that I can rarely spot it in the mirror. When I can identify it, I'll use the tweezers and yank the sucker out of my head, which is not one of the more pleasant routines of my typical day. And it just grows back anyway.
On the other side of my face I have developed some sort of weird eyebrow hair that feels as though it has grown out a bit, and then for whatever reason decided to burrow back into my head. It's a very strange sensation. This one is also generally invisible to me in the mirror, so it just goes on and on, feeling a little weird.
Of course I'd be remiss in this discussion if I didn't bring up my occasional protruding nose hairs. I turned 40 this year, but you'd swear I was one of these old guys in his 90s with hairs awkwardly sticking out of every body part. I had a nose hair the other day that was so long that you'd normally only associate such a thing with Cher.
I'm certainly hoping this trend doesn't continue, because I am beginning to fear that by age 50 I'm going to be mistaken for a Sasquatch. When I start getting the dreaded old man ear hairs, I'm definitely doing to be concerned.
I met a guy once who had eyebrows that that were, honest to God, 3" long. He could have used them for a comb-over. I vowed that I wouldn't let my eyebrows look like that. They get trimmed more often than (what is left) of my hair.
Be glad you have 2 eye brows and not the dreaded unibrow.
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