Happy Halloween! Well, for most people it’s Halloween… our community had Trick or Treat last night, because you simply don’t mess with high school football in this area. If October 31 falls on a Friday, they will move Trick or Treat night so that every ounce of attention can be focused on football. It’s lucky that Christmas doesn’t fall during the month of October, or it would also occasionally get bumped into a more convenient time slot.
To give you an idea of how big the sport is in this area, the coach of our town’s high school was the inspiration for a Tom Cruise movie about high school football in the early 80s. Don Yanessa, inspiration for the movie “All The Right Moves,” retired from his coaching position at Ambridge High School this week, so I would assume that this will spawn a new annual holiday/parade/statue/church in his honor.
Anyway, Trick or Treat is awesome. It’s a great opportunity for us to send our child out to collect tons and tons of candy for us to eat. As responsible parents, it’s our job to forbid her from eating sweets, so as a precaution we simply eat them ourselves. I am sitting by a mound of empty M&M wrappers, and I’m very grateful to the people in the neighborhood who give out the full-size Hershey bars. Many thanks, guys!