I think I've come up with a way for our fine state to raise some much-needed funding. The government recently nixed a plan to turn I-80 into a toll road (thank goodness), so Governor Rendell is struggling to come up with money to fund public transit and whatnot.
With very minimal thinking, I have come up with a way of raising about 3 bazillion dollars. All the state needs to do is sell off its massive surplus of superfluous, stupid signs.
I've traveled extensively throughout the country, and I'm almost certain that Pennsylvania is the only state that has erected thousands and thousands of signs for the purpose of telling you what the speed limit isn't.
Like the picture posted above, you'll find all sorts of instances where PennDOT has thoughtfully posted "End" speed limit signs. How helpful! So what are we supposed to do when we encounter a sign like this? Does it mean I can speed up... or should I slow down? Or maybe I should just crawl into the back seat and assume the fetal position.
Considering the numbers of these signs, I figure we should be able to fund any shortfall by selling these things off. I'm sure fraternity houses and the Museum of Stupid Signs would be happy to purchase the majority of them.
Tomorrow... part II.
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